1. Generally. Member agrees to pay the monthly or annual fees established for its Membership Class. Dues are monthly or annual and payment is required upon signing (to activate membership) and upon renewal (30 days after membership activation). Steveboedt.com will bill Member for dues automatically by recurring payments.
  2. Suspension and Termination. Steveboedt.com has the right to (i) suspend participation of Member if it fails to pay its monthly or annual fees on time, or (ii) suspend or cancel participation of Steveboedt.com if it violates any of the rules or engages in conduct seriously prejudicial to the purposes and interests of OMG and fails to correct that breach within thirty (30) days of notice from Steveboedt.com or the steveboedt.com staff. No refunds of Membership fees or other payments will be given.
    Members can cancel their membership at any time, and will not have to pay cancellation fees.

No Warranties

No warranties are given or implied by this membership agreement.